“Walkshop 20”
led by Astrid Kaemmerling
This Walkshop is part of exhibition “Q” by Chris Givens & Dara Bram. “Q” is a participatory installation on the phenomenon of waiting. Waiting spaces are infrequently considered worthy destinations yet they demand our time. How do we experience that time? With what quality of attention? Together with invited artists, “Q” sets out to explore these liminal spaces as potential sites for embedded meditations in our daily lives. Experience “Q” from November 23 (3-9pm) - November 24 (2-5pm), 2019, at Hotel Peter & Paul (Church), 2317 Burgundy Street, New Orleans, LA.
Sensing Silence
Walkshop led by Astrid Kaemmerling
In our contemporary daily lives, where we constantly transition between the digital and material world, we - depending on our environment - oftentimes find ourselves overstimulated by images, sounds, physical touch, smell and/or tastes. Remaining silent and/or waiting is oftentimes not even an option and we find ourselves in a routine where we loose focus and are carried through our days without a break. The Sensing Silence Walkshop is an invitation to reconnect to this lost and oftentimes undervalued skill of tuning in to our own senses, to pause and to explore our immediate surrounding while silently noting what’s present. Following the work of Sarah Pink “Doing Sensory Ethnography” (2009) this Walkshop is an invitation to take time to fully immerse ourselves in our own senses and silently tune inwards as we collect experiences while moving our body through space.
Astrid Kaemmerling, Ph.D., is a german-born artist, educator, arts administrator and community manager based in New Orleans, LA. Her work spans the genres of visual, performance and media art and strives to connect place memories of the past, such as collected travel experiences, with a critical exploration of specific neighborhoods and selected urban places. Kaemmerling has been exhibited internationally and has won several awards and fellowships, recent residencies include the Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, Italy, the Vermont Studio Center, VT, and Enos Park, IL. Her writing has been published in peer-reviewed journals and publications.
Start Time: 2 pm (Please arrive at 1:45 pm)
Duration: 2h
Equipment: Participants will receive a zine and a pen. Bring some water & a snack if desired.
Clothing: Sturdy walking shoes and appropriate clothing. It may be cold, so please wear layers.