
Walkshop 11


NOVEMBER 3rd, 2018

This walk was an urban hike which explored the newest area of fill-created land in San Francisco, a quiet and unsung zone that is rapidly changing. We began near housing projects, and then hugged the shoreline in the EPA Superfund Site and into the State Park, examining the exposed fill as it spilled out of the banks of the bayshore. Participants had a chance to collect their own pieces of the fill, imagining ways to give these objects new lives as artifacts. If humankind is the creator and destroyer of worlds, then this place demonstrates our acceleration of geological time, with land built and new strata laid down, followed by submergence, all in a matter of decades. We examined these ideas through an artistic and historical lens, taking a clear-eyed view of the depth and beauty of the seemingly mundane.

Daniel Southard is a photographer and installation artist living in San Francisco, MFA (2019) from San Francisco State University. His current work involves a process akin to mapping, using the tools of cartography in combination with artistic practice, to take the idea of a simple map of a place and and expand it in both breadth and depth.


  • Location: The hike left from Gilman Playground on Gilman Ave. and Griffith St. in the Bayview and end at Candlestick Point. Rides back to the starting point were available.

  • Start Time: 2pm

  • Duration: approx. 3 hours

  • Equipment: Journal, notebook, camera or related recording devices