

“traces of Intimacy”

march 10th, 2018
LED BY Elia Rita and Amery Kessler

“When communicative capitalism enjoins participation, it produces a field where more and more contribute but ever fewer benefit.”- Jodi Dean

In an era where technology is shifting the perception of interconnection–making physical proximity increasingly devalued and unavailable– silence might remain the only expression not subject to monetization by algorithms. Traces of intimacy invited participants to wander wordlessly in the company of another. We subtly challenged our comfort zones and established a shared plane of intimacy through touch and trust.

Amery Kessler addresses spaces and structures between people. His work connects and separates one person from another. It suggests or invites participation and gives formless aspects of relating a more tangible presence.

Elia Rita surfaces the overlooked possibilities of urban landscapes considered unproductive and banal by capitalism through a site-oriented, interdisciplinary approach.


  • Location: 101 California Street, 94111, San Francisco, CA

  • Start Time: 2pm

  • Duration: approx. 2 hours

  • Equipment: Journal, notebook, camera or related recording devices

Photography by Michal Wisniowski